Neuroscience Research
See the most shared articles of January/February 2019; Volume 6,Issue 1
Authors identify capsaicin receptor TRPV1 as a key regulator of Ca2+ entry into axoplasm that is required for developmental degeneration modeled by NGF withdrawal from sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion in vitro.
Authors found that experimentally induced stroke causes a secondary wave of brain tissue inflammation that shares some molecular and morphological characteristics with atherosclerosis.
Authors describe an unexpected effect of in utero electroporation of plasmid DNA on the distribution of microglia within the developing forebrain.
Dr. Jacqueline Barker tells the story about her first-author eNeuro paper that showed that action-outcome relationships are differentially encoded by the infralimbic prefrontal cortex during goal-directed and habitual behaviors.
Check out the top 10 most downloaded articles published in eNeuro in 2018.
Authors demonstrate that in the absence of descending cephalic input, locomotor recovery in the leech is achieved by a switch to dependence on afferent information from peripheral nerves in the body wall.
Authors addressed the question 'what, if anything, is rodent prefrontal cortex?' by carrying out a survey of prefrontal cortex researchers and uncovered points of agreement as well as differences in regard to what brain areas constitute "prefrontal cortex" in rodents."
Authors show that axons of inhibitory neurons have distinctive structural and molecular features that contrast with those of the majority of myelinated excitatory axons in human neocortex.
Authors demonstrate that capsaicin, a TRPV1 agonist, activates a pro-axon growth program, suggesting an approach for enhancing axon regeneration in selective populations of neurons.