Novel Tools and Methods
Sagittal mouse brain sections showing cerebellar nuclei sending afferents to the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus.
Cocultured human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived astrocytes and neurons.
Looking back at ten years of eNeuro papers, this post features two papers published in 2021.
Visible in this sagittal section of a mouse cerebellum are granule cells and Purkinje cells.
Looking back at ten years of eNeuro papers, this post features two papers published in 2017.
Felix Schneider discusses his open source tools and methods paper about neuron replating in an episode of the webinar series SfN Journals: In Conversation. Here is a teaser for the episode available to watch on-demand.
Two images of tree shrew retina captured with in vivo optical coherence tomography and ex vivo confocal imaging reveal densely packed, vertically elongated, and stratified axon bundles that are more like axon bundles in humans than in mice.
Looking back at ten years of eNeuro papers, this post features two papers published in 2015.
The image shows a clarified, 1-mm-thick sagittal section of whole brain from a transgenic mouse expressing a fluorescent reporter for caspase-3/7 activity.
This image shows a hippocampal neuron with endogenous labelling of the cytoskeleton proteins β-actin and β3 tubulin using CRISPR/Cas9.