Part of the juvenile cerebellar cortex of a mouse at postnatal day 21.
Purkinje cell clusters in the mouse cerebellum at embryonic day 17.5.
This image shows an interneuron migrating on a monolayer of cortical feeder cells in an in vitro co-culture assay.
This image shows an immunostained whole-mount preparation of a mouse cochlea.
This image shows MAP2+ neurites from cultured immature cortical neurons extending into a stripe of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) treated with chondroitinase ABC, an enzyme that abolishes CSPGs
Authors show neuronal subpopulation and sex differences in the biophysical signatures of developmentally defined medial amygdala output neurons.
Authors examined the reliability of using Cre-induced recombination of one gene to predict recombination in another gene at the single-cell level in adult hippocampal neural stem and progenitor cells.
Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz and Nancy Forger tell the story about their eNeuro paper that sheds light on the long-standing question of what controls the timing and magnitude of developmental neuronal cell death.
Authors demonstrate that ApoE deficiency and the ApoE4 human isoform both impair hippocampal neurogenesis in adult mice and give insight into how ApoE may influence hippocampal-related neurological diseases.
Authors describe the in vivo behavior of mitochondria at the growth cone of elongating retinal axons in zebrafish.