Snapshots in Neuroscience
This image shows the developing central nervous system in a Drosophila embryo.
This image shows the demyelinating optic nerve of a mouse model with impaired visual function.
Part of the juvenile cerebellar cortex of a mouse at postnatal day 21.
An image of a wild-type mouse hippocampus expressing Cre-dependent green fluorescent protein.
The midline topographical organization of the corpus callosum of a newborn mouse.
Striatal Neurons of a Parkinson’s disease model
An image of cortical neurons in the mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
A confocal image showing a neuron, likely a fusiform cell, at the dorsal cochlear nucleus of a coronal slice from a mouse expressing CaMKIIα-ChR2-eYFP along its somatic membrane and dendrites.
Purkinje cell clusters in the mouse cerebellum at embryonic day 17.5.
This image shows a section of postnatal day 7 mouse olfactory bulb in which plasmids encoding fluorescent proteins were introduced at embryonic day 11 with in utero electroporation.