Meet Dr. Gandhervin Kesavamoorthy currently a researcher in the School of Medicine, Department of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong. He is interested to understand how parenchymal and peripheral signals modulate brain microglia.
See the most-shared articles published in September and October 2022.
This image shows a hippocampal neuron with endogenous labelling of the cytoskeleton proteins β-actin and β3 tubulin using CRISPR/Cas9.
This paper offers a valuable comparison to guide neuroscientists in choosing an appropriate spike sorting algorithm.
This image shows coronal slices at the level of the hippocampus in TRAP2 mice labeling neuronal ensembles during a rewarded T-maze spatial memory task.
See the most-shared articles published in July and August 2022.
Meet Dr. Umberto Olcese currently working at the University of Amsterdam focused on studying the neuron-level mechanisms of perception.
This paper presents an elegant study examining neuronal activation in multiple brain regions involved in learning and consolidation of an alternation task.
These images show the GABAA receptor δ subunit expressed on parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the basolateral amygdala.
Meet Dr. Zoltan Simandi currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Cremins Lab at the University of Pennsylvania focused on understanding the molecular underpinnings of neural cell fates in development and disease.