Authors targeted the microglia-specific Tmem119 gene to generate two novel mouse models that can be used to visualize and control reporter protein expression in microglia with improved distinction from closely related cell types.
Authors suggest that blue light stimulation is ill-suited to long-term optogenetic experiments, especially those that measure transcription.
Authors show that real-time mutual interaction during eye contact is mediated by the cerebellum and limbic mirror system.
This research offers an important contribution to the knowledge of molecular mechanism of worm learning and sensory integration that may be applicable to learning in many organisms.
PhD Candidate Victoria Jensen and Dr. Steven Crone tell the story behind their eNeuro paper that showed that glutamatergic V2a neurons participate in a circuit that serves to constrain the activity of accessory respiratory muscles so that they are active only when needed.
Three graduates from the SfN Reviewer Mentor Program share their thoughts on quality in peer review and discuss their experience reviewing with eNeuro.
See the most shared articles of July/August 2019; Volume 6,Issue 4
Authors show that key features of the microglial activation pattern observed after status epilepticus may not be related to the epileptogenic process.
Authors show interneuron defects in a new mouse model of premature birth that combines prenatal inflammatory and postnatal hypoxic insults.
Authors show that although handedness impacts the accuracy of hand movement control, it has virtually no influence on the ability to predict the visual consequences of hand movements.