See the most-shared articles published in January and February 2024.
Researchers find that synaptotagmin-7 plays an important role in dopamine release during phasic bursts of firing.
A maximum intensity projection image of a sagittal mouse brain slice captured using confocal microscopy.
While discussing their co-first author paper about the discrete influences of food restriction and reinforcement schedules on reward-related behaviors, Dr. Maxime Chevée and Ms. Courtney Kim highlight how their mentor-mentee relationship in Dr. Erin Calipari’s lab positively impacted their futures.
Microsaccades, or small involuntary eye movements, provide information about object location during memory rehearsal.
See the most-shared articles published in November and December 2023.
This image shows the cellular layers of an adult mouse retina, stained for markers of amacrine cells and type 3b bipolar cells.
Confocal image of the hippocampus showing somatostatin inhibitory neurons (green).
Karl Herrup and Christophe Bernard philosophically discuss fallacy traps in neuroscience, in an episode of the webinar series SfN Journals: In Conversation. Here is a teaser for the episode available to watch on-demand.
See the most-shared articles published in September and October 2023.