Authors show interneuron defects in a new mouse model of premature birth that combines prenatal inflammatory and postnatal hypoxic insults.
By Sarah Santiago, PhD
August 15, 2019

Authors show interneuron defects in a new mouse model of premature birth that combines prenatal inflammatory and postnatal hypoxic insults.

Authors show that although handedness impacts the accuracy of hand movement control, it has virtually no influence on the ability to predict the visual consequences of hand movements.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
August 8, 2019

Authors show that although handedness impacts the accuracy of hand movement control, it has virtually no influence on the ability to predict the visual consequences of hand movements.

We'd like to hear your thoughts about using estimation statistics or other ways to perform statistical analysis in your field of study. Join the discussion with Editor-in-Chief Christophe Bernard and Dr. Robert J Calin-Jageman.
By Christophe Bernard, EiC
August 1, 2019

We'd like to hear your thoughts about using estimation statistics or other ways to perform statistical analysis in your field of study. Join the discussion with Editor-in-Chief Christophe Bernard and Dr. Robert J Calin-Jageman.

Emanuela De Falco, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis [IUPUI], Indianapolis, IN.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
July 25, 2019

Dr. Emanuela De Falco tells the story about her co-first author eNeuro paper that describes distinct neural activity states that occur in the medial prefrontal cortex while rats perform an odor span task of working memory capacity.

drawing of magnifying glass outline
By Pablo S. Villar
July 18, 2019

Authors show that one olfactory cortical structure, the olfactory tubercle, is unique among olfactory cortices in that it lacks feedback projections to the olfactory bulb.

See the most shared articles of May/June 2019; Volume 6,Issue 3
By SfN Staff
July 11, 2019

See the most shared articles of May/June 2019; Volume 6,Issue 3

Authors show that blocking endogenous Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 signaling via a selective pharmacological approach promotes oligodendroglial differentiation and increases the rate of remyelination after a central demyelinating insult in vivo.
By Claudia Lopez-Lloreda
June 27, 2019

Authors show that blocking endogenous Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 signaling via a selective pharmacological approach promotes oligodendroglial differentiation and increases the rate of remyelination after a central demyelinating insult in vivo.

Authors tested whether native English-speaking adults could learn a second, visually atypical writing system, HouseFont, and used neuroimaging data to assess the location of any learning effects.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
June 20, 2019

Authors tested whether native English-speaking adults could learn a second, visually atypical writing system, HouseFont, and used neuroimaging data to assess the location of any learning effects.

Authors provide the first functional description of the emergence of neocortical fast ripples in hippocampal epilepsy and show that cross-frequency coupling might be a fundamental mechanism underlying the spreading of epileptic activity.
By William Stacey, MD, PhD
June 13, 2019

Authors provide the first functional description of the emergence of neocortical fast ripples in hippocampal epilepsy and show that cross-frequency coupling might be a fundamental mechanism underlying the spreading of epileptic activity.

Associate Professor, Ricardo Araneda, PhD, Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, and PhD Candidate, Ruilong Hu, Neuroscience & Cognitive Sciences Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
June 6, 2019

PhD Candidate Ruilong Hu and Dr. Ricardo Araneda tell the story about their eNeuro publication that showed that the two predominant subtypes of inhibitory neurons in the main olfactory bulb, the granule cells and periglomerular cells, exhibit subthreshold resonance mediated by hyperpolarization-activated currents (Ih), as opposed to the primary output neurons, the mitral cells.